How does Music.Opinionhut work?

1. Post music you want other people’s opinion on. You can post music as Soundcloud and Youtube links. You decide how many people that will be able to listen and give feedback.

2. To get opinions from others- share your opinion on other people’s music! When you give an opinion you earn one credit, when you get an opinion it costs you one credit. If you don´t have time to share opinions you can buy credits here.

3. You can see the opinions and ratings that people have given your music on My page.


4. Linkedin profile photos, wedding speeches, school projects, poems, job applications, social issue questions, “Is this a good name for my business idea”, “which of these web site designs look better”, “what do you think about my business idea”.

How does Music.Opinionhut work?

1. Post music you want other people’s opinion on. You can post music as Soundcloud and Youtube links. You decide how many people that will be able to listen and give feedback.

2. To get opinions from others- share your opinion on other people’s music! When you give an opinion you earn one credit, when you get an opinion it costs you one credit. If you don´t have time to share opinions you can buy credits here.

3. You can see the opinions and ratings that people have given your music on My page.

Go ahead and share/get opinions now!
